This should be all you need to get started with Charisma. Now, when you play, the actor (character) will play all of its relevant lines on its own audio component!.In the "Details" panel, select the "CharismaActor" component, and enter the "Character Name" as it is in the Charisma editor. Select the "charisma-unreal Content" folder and drop the template actor inside the scene. Open up the content browser, and make sure "Show plugin content" is selected in the "View Options" menu in the bottom-right corner. The SDK provides a template actor to do this: This enables actors to automatically play any voice clips that are received from Charisma. Next, we can place some actors in the scene, one for each character in your story, and use the "Charisma Actor Component" to connect them to the active playthrough in the Game Mode. If you play the scene now, you should find that the messages in your story start coming through as on-screen debug messages!.The reference ID can be found by clicking the three dots next to the subplot's name in the Charisma editor, and selecting "Rename".

This can be found on the 'Story Overview' page. To create a playthrough that references the draft version of your story, you also need to provide an ApiKey.
#Ue4 ai actions download
Head to the Releases page of this GitHub repository and download the latest release. Make sure you are using a version of the engine that is supported by this plugin. If you haven’t already, go ahead and create an Unreal C++ project. Please visit the licencing docs on our website for more info!

Important: Before setting up the Charisma SDK for Unreal Engine, you’ll need to have created a web or game story (not an app story!), which requires a Charisma licence. If you have any questions or need a hand, please reach out to us at Getting started
#Ue4 ai actions update
If you find the plugin also works in another version, feel free to submit a pull request to update this! This Unreal Engine plugin is verified to work with C++ projects using engine version 4.26 and 5.0 only.